-- August 18 2008 --

Hello! hello! How everyone're doing? I hope you all have a nice summer! For my self the time is lacking off but now I'm back, as it seems! hahaha! Yeah page 76 is almost finish, but as for now I'm working on a new Jam, but good news this one will be both in english and french, so everyone will be able to enjoy it! I know, maybe some of you want the real thing, but the jam session is worthy for my self. It allows me to dive back in the comic. I decide to stop the last jam because it was delivering to much, I'm sure nobody want to know how will be Yuki and Iris later, so that's why I've decided to put an end to the jam #3. And I began a knew one. I don't know maybe I'll do some bonus material but for now all you have to keep in mind while you're reading the jam this is only for fun, so don't get mixed with the real pages. So that's all folks! Cia soon and have a great time!

-- May 25 2008 --

Hi everyone! Hoping you're all doing fine. For myself I've been a little sick lately, not so fun hey! But anyways today I'm happy to offering you an english blog, yeah it's about damn time! So for this first entry I'd like to take sometime to thank everyones who came to read my comic. Every months the number of reader is increasing, wow I'd never thought it'll be like this. Thank you again!!
Ok what's next? Hum fisrt let's talk about mangas; Well I know I'm maybe kind of old school but one of my favorite anime is Trigun but since I'v got my hand on the first book of this series, I was a little by excited but I was also a litte bit anxious; At first sight the drawings were a lot differents if I dare compare to the anime. But I've forgot this little detail once I began to read the fisrt book. I must admit, this is great... I didnt' have all the books only the third firsts of the series, I'm hoping to have the others soon.
This summer will be rich on great movies. . . Yeah I'm hoping so... first; There was Iron man, I think it's a nice comics adaptation, enough like the comics funny with action. This movie was entertainning. I can wait to see the others we'll have a lot of marvel movies and few animated movies and the new movie of Mike Mayers, a new X-File and the Dark Knight. That's all for now everyones See ya soon!!
